4 minutes reading time (761 words)

The P&L of Meeting Sponsorship! by Rick Trader ProServices Specialist with Lowes

The P&L of Meeting Sponsorship! by Rick Trader ProServices Specialist with Lowes

P&L -- Profit and Loss.  Not every company may have a fancy spreadsheet to show their P&L for a year, but without question every company from the smallest sole proprietor to the largest multi-billion dollar commerce, reconciles its gain or loss as a reflection of the success of its business operations.  Every enterprise weighs investment against return -- how much "bang for my buck" will this job, or this advertising, or this piece of equipment, or this partnership bring to my bottom line?  However, while P&L's might show us part of the picture of the success or failure of a business, and while every business needs to turn a profit in order to survive, altruistically P&L goes much deeper than mere financial profit.

The JCBIA is a league of business owners, managers, and associates who have joined for various reasons.  Some for the purpose of networking for business gain.  Some for the purpose of a monthly meal.  Some for the purpose of reduced insurance rates.  Some for the purpose of extra benefits with some retailers and service providers.  Some for the purpose of giving back to the very community that has both directly and indirectly underwritten the financial means of the member business.  Every one of these motivations is honorable and valid.  However, not all of them can be clearly identified on the P&L of a business.  While every business weighs the cost of its charitable involvements, in reality the gain of "community" will always outweigh the value of a dollar.  While the dollar is necessary, community is essential--without the latter, the former is not possible.  As such, the true "profit" must include community, or it is merely the riches of a taker, of an isolationist thinker, and as such can only be reconciled as a loss, even if the bearer of that loss is unable to see it as that.

As members of the JCBIA we have the privilege of not only associating with one another for the networking value of financial gain to our businesses; but also of the less common yet far greater privilege of uniting as a team to set an example for other businesses and leagues and associations and communities as to how to BE a community.  We have the opportunity to step outside of our earnings statements, and step into the humble array of giving back to our community.  Each one of us is a competitor with the other but yet, as we gather regularly, we mutually support one another between gatherings, we honor one another as teammates with a united cause.  It is for these very purposes that the JCBIA members gather once a month to fellowship, to educate, to network, at times to commiserate, and always to cheer and encourage each other along. 

Such meetings require intentional sponsorship.  Not every Association member/business can afford to sponsor one of these monthly meetings/meals.  However, for those who can, I believe it is our obligation to do so.  The biblical principle of the body comes to mind here.  Not every business is an arm, or a leg, or a mouth, or a toe, or an ear, or an eye.  However, every part is necessary for the body to work efficiently.  Some parts are more modest and never get seen, but their involvement is no less essential.  Some parts are more visible but they would not be able to do what they do without the support from other parts.  Not everyone fills the same role, however, EVERYONE has a role to fill.  Yes, sponsoring organizations may realize a financial gain from sponsoring one of these meetings -- however, the greater pride is in the fact that we have opened up our hands and held lightly the resources with which we have been blessed, and in so doing we humbly facilitate the uniting of every other organization and individual on the JCBIA team as together we stand in support of each other, and of our community. 

Don't shy away from from sponsoring simply because you are fearful of having to plan the meeting, or the speakers, or the meal, or . . . .  While your business will get top billing for the evening, the JCBIA office offers plenty of assistance and contacts to help fill out the evening.  So please --- give Sherry a ring and say you will sponsor a meeting.  While I believe such is an obligation to any of our members/member businesses financially able to do so, along with that obligation also comes the joy of the blessing.  Experience the blessing and sponsor a meeting.

Lowes Sponsors March GMM!
Trivia Night!

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