Repairs made at House of Hope

Members of the JCBIA make repairs at The House of Hope in Clayton. After an inspection of the property, we found where water had come in around the 2 back doors and damaged the floors, door trim, etc.  Tim Veronelli and Terry Evans gathered supplies and some help from Don Marsh and made the repairs on a Saturday!

Thank you Lowes of Smithfield for supplying product
Thank you STOCK Building Supply for supplying the replacement doors
Thank you Special Effects for supplying the carpet and labor
Thank you Goldsboro Builder Supply for supplying the linoleum

It was certainly a team effort and the residence and staff at House of Hope could not be happier!

"God always answers. We are so grateful for His faithfulness and for the group of people he has brought to House of Hope to love on and take care of our girls, their families, the staff and the building and property he has entrusted us with!" - Sara Hughes, HOH Director

